Rental stats

Here are the most recent average rental rate stats as of the end of 2014 for homes and condos (instead of tracking just rates at large apartment buildings). Very helpful. See stats and map below Seattle Times article.

NWMLS Areas Map

Single Family/ Townhouse Rental Stats

Condominium/ Multi Family Rental Stats

See map below, too. Area 140 = West Seattle // Area 380 = Rainier Valley from I-90 to Renton // Area 390 = Capitol Hill, Leschi, Madrona, First Hill (I-90 n to Portage Bay, Lake Wa to Lake Union) // Area 385 = Beacon Hill // Area 700 = Q Anne, Magnolia // Area 705 = Fremont, Ballard, Crown Hill, Phinney, Greenwood, Green Lake, Wallingford // Area 710 = e of I-5 n of Hwy 520.